
Resize observer


Note: PatternFly React charts live in its own package at @patternfly/react-charts!

PatternFly React charts are based on the Victory chart library, along with additional functionality, custom components, and theming for PatternFly. This provides a collection of React based components you can use to build PatternFly patterns with consistent markup, styling, and behavior.

Charts scale within the parent container by default, so the width and height props do not actually determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into. In order to maintain the aspect ratio, the parent container may be set to the same height and/or width.


Responsive bullet chart with wrapping legend

This demonstrates how to use a ResizeObserver to update the chart's width, while its height remains fixed. The legendAllowWrap prop is used to automatically wrap legend items.

Bullet chart exampleStorage capacity0100255075Text labelMeasure detailsMeasure 1Measure 2WarningRange 1Range 2

Responsive threshold chart with wrapping legend

This demonstrates how to use a ResizeObserver to update the chart's width, while its height remains fixed. In this example, itemsPerRow is used to wrap legend items manually.

Area chart exampleAverage number of pets1. ThresholdBirdsBirds Threshold

Responsive stack chart with reducible axis tick labels

This demonstrates how to use a ResizeObserver to update the chart's width, while its height remains fixed. In this example, fixLabelOverlap is used to dynamically adjust the number of axis tick labels.

Monthly Stack ChartStack Chart with monthly metric dataAug. 3051015SocketsCoresNodes



  • See Victory's FAQ
  • ChartLegend may be used as a standalone component, instead of using legendData


Currently, the generated documentation below is not able to resolve type definitions from Victory imports. For the components used in the examples above, Victory pass-thru props are also documented here:



Chart is a wrapper component that reconciles the domain for all its children, controls the layout of the chart, and coordinates animations and shared events. See
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
ariaDescstringThe ariaDesc prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers. Note: Overridden by the desc prop of containerComponent
ariaTitlestringThe ariaTitle prop specifies the title to be applied to the SVG to assist accessibility for screen readers. Note: Overridden by the title prop of containerComponent
backgroundComponentReact.ReactElementThe backgroundComponent prop takes a component instance which will be responsible for rendering a background if the Chart's style component includes background styles. The new element created from the passed backgroundComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by Chart: height, polar, scale, style, x, y, width. All of these props on Background should take prececence over what VictoryChart is trying to set.
childrenReact.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]The children to render with the chart
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartArea: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartArea will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows ..." />
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will include. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
endAnglenumberThe endAngle props defines the overall end angle of a polar chart in degrees. This prop is used in conjunction with startAngle to create polar chart that spans only a segment of a circle, or to change overall rotation of the chart. This prop should be given as a number of degrees. Degrees are defined as starting at the 3 o'clock position, and proceeding counterclockwise.
eventKeynumber | string | FunctionSimilar to data accessor props `x` and `y`, this prop may be used to functionally assign eventKeys to data
eventsobject[]The event prop takes an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "data" and "labels" are all valid targets for ChartPie events. The eventKey may optionally be used to select a single element by index rather than an entire set. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. a single bar), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "data", eventKey: 1, eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { eventKey: 2, mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})}; } }, { eventKey: 2, target: "labels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]Chart uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
hasPatternsboolean | boolean[]The hasPatterns prop is an optional prop that indicates whether a pattern is shown for a chart. SVG patterns are dynamically generated (unique to each chart) in order to apply colors from the selected color theme or custom color scale. Those generated patterns are applied in a specific order (via a URL), similar to the color theme ordering defined by PatternFly. If the multi-color theme was in use; for example, colorized patterns would be displayed in that same order. Create custom patterns via the patternScale prop. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example hasPatterns={ true } @example hasPatterns={[ true, true, false ]}
heightnumbertheme.chart.heightSpecifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into. Typically, the parent container is set to the same width in order to maintain the aspect ratio.
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether data will be plotted horizontally. When this prop is set to true, the independent variable will be plotted on the y axis and the dependent variable will be plotted on the x axis.
innerRadiusnumber | FunctionWhen the innerRadius prop is set, polar charts will be hollow rather than circular.
legendAllowWrapBetaboolean | ((extraHeight: number) => void)Allows legend items to wrap onto the next line if the chart is not wide enough. Note that the chart's SVG height and width are 100% by default, so it can be responsive itself. However, if you define the height and width of the chart's parent container, you must accommodate for extra legend height due to legend items wrapping onto the next line. When the height of the chart's parent container is too small, some legend items may not be visible. Alternatively, a callback function may be provided, which will be called after the legend's itemsPerRow property has been calculated. The value provided can be used to increase the chart's parent container height as legend items wrap onto the next line. If no adjustment is necessary, the value will be zero. Note: This is overridden by the legendItemsPerRow property
legendComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLegend />The legend component to render with chart. Note: Use legendData so the legend width can be calculated and positioned properly. Default legend properties may be applied
legendData{ name?: string; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array. @example legendData={[{ name: `GBps capacity - 45%` }, { name: 'Unused' }]}
legendDirectionBeta'ltr' | 'rtl''ltr'Text direction of the legend labels.
legendOrientation'horizontal' | 'vertical'theme.legend.orientationThe orientation prop takes a string that defines whether legend data are displayed in a row or column. When orientation is "horizontal", legend items will be displayed in a single row. When orientation is "vertical", legend items will be displayed in a single column. Line and text-wrapping is not currently supported, so "vertical" orientation is both the default setting and recommended for displaying many series of data.
legendPosition'bottom' | 'bottom-left' | 'right'ChartCommonStyles.legend.positionThe legend position relation to the chart. Valid values are 'bottom', 'bottom-left', and 'right' Note: When adding a legend, padding may need to be adjusted in order to accommodate the extra legend. In some cases, the legend may not be visible until enough padding is applied.
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is typically used to reference a component instance when defining shared events. However, this optional prop may also be applied to child elements as an ID prefix. This is a workaround to ensure Victory based components output unique IDs when multiple charts appear in a page.
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
patternScalestring[]The patternScale prop is an optional prop that defines patterns to apply, where applicable. This prop should be given as a string array of pattern URLs. Patterns will be assigned to children by index and will repeat when there are more children than patterns in the provided patternScale. Use null to omit the pattern for a given index. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example patternScale={[ 'url("#pattern1")', 'url("#pattern2")', null ]}
polarbooleanVictory components can pass a boolean polar prop to specify whether a label is part of a polar chart.
rangenumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart, ChartStack, or ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
showAxisbooleantrueConvenience prop to hide both x and y axis, which are shown by default. Alternatively, the axis can be hidden via chart styles.
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose Chart with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
startAnglenumberThe startAngle props defines the overall start angle of a polar chart in degrees. This prop is used in conjunction with endAngle to create polar chart that spans only a segment of a circle, or to change overall rotation of the chart. This prop should be given as a number of degrees. Degrees are defined as starting at the 3 o'clock position, and proceeding counterclockwise.
style{ parent: object, background: object }The style prop defines the style of the component. The style prop should be given as an object with styles defined for data, labels and parent. Any valid svg styles are supported, but width, height, and padding should be specified via props as they determine relative layout for components in Chart. @propType { parent: object, background: object }
themeobjectgetChartTheme(themeColor, showAxis)The theme prop specifies a theme to use for determining styles and layout properties for a component. Any styles or props defined in theme may be overwritten by props specified on the component instance.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
widthnumbertheme.chart.widthSpecifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into. Typically, the parent container is set to the same width in order to maintain the aspect ratio.


ChartArea renders a dataset as a single area path. Since ChartArea renders only a single element to represent a dataset rather than individual elements for each data point, some of its behavior is different from other Victory based components. Pay special attention to style and events props, and take advantage of ChartVoronoiContainer to enable tooltips. ChartArea can be composed with Chart to create area charts. See
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
categoriesstring[] | { x: string[], y: string[] }The categories prop specifies how categorical data for a chart should be ordered. This prop should be given as an array of string values, or an object with these arrays of values specified for x and y. If this prop is not set, categorical data will be plotted in the order it was given in the data array @example ["dogs", "cats", "mice"]
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartArea: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartArea will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows..." />
dataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `x` and `y` accessor props), but by default, an object with x and y properties is expected. @example [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 2, y: 3}], [[1, 2], [2, 3]], [[{x: "a", y: 1}, {x: "b", y: 2}], [{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}]]
dataComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The dataComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create an area. The new element created from the passed dataComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by ChartArea: a scale, style, events, interpolation, and an array of modified data objects (including x, y, and calculated y0 and y1). Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartArea will use its default Area component.
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will cover. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your bar chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
eventKeynumber | string | Function | string[] | number[]Similar to data accessor props `x` and `y`, this prop may be used to functionally assign eventKeys to data
eventsobject[]The event prop take an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "data" and "labels" are all valid targets for ChartArea events. Since ChartArea only renders a single element, the eventKey property is not used. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. an area), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "data", eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})}; } }, { target: "labels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartArea uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
heightnumberThe height props specifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether data will be plotted horizontally. When this prop is set to true, the independent variable will be plotted on the y axis and the dependent variable will be plotted on the x axis.
interpolationstring | FunctionThe interpolation prop determines how data points should be connected when plotting a line. Polar area charts may use the following interpolation options: "basis", "cardinal", "catmullRom", "linear". Cartesian area charts may use the following interpolation options: "basis", "cardinal", "catmullRom", "linear", "monotoneX", "monotoneY", "natural", "step", "stepAfter", "stepBefore".
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The labelComponent prop takes in an entire label component which will be used to create a label for the area. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, data, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, style, text, and events. any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above. This labelComponent prop should be used to provide a series label for ChartArea. If individual labels are required for each data point, they should be created by composing ChartArea with VictoryScatter
labelsstring[] | number[] | ((data: any) => string | number | null)The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your chart. This prop should be given as an array of values or as a function of data. If given as an array, the number of elements in the array should be equal to the length of the data array. Labels may also be added directly to the data object like data={[{x: 1, y: 1, label: "first"}]}. @example ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"], (datum) => datum.title
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is used to reference a component instance when defining shared events.
origin{ x: number, y: number }Victory components will pass an origin prop is to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. Note: It will not typically be necessary to set an origin prop manually
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
polarbooleanVictory components can pass a boolean polar prop to specify whether a label is part of a polar chart.
rangenumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart or ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
samplesnumberThe samples prop specifies how many individual points to plot when plotting y as a function of x. Samples is ignored if x props are provided instead.
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
sortKeynumber | string | Function | string[]Use the sortKey prop to indicate how data should be sorted. This prop is given directly to the lodash sortBy function to be executed on the final dataset.
sortOrderstringThe sortOrder prop specifies whether sorted data should be returned in 'ascending' or 'descending' order.
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartArea with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ parent: object, data: object, labels: object }The style prop specifies styles for your ChartArea. Any valid inline style properties will be applied. Height, width, and padding should be specified via the height, width, and padding props, as they are used to calculate the alignment of components within chart. @example {data: {fill: "red"}, labels: {fontSize: 12}}
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop takes a style object with nested data, labels, and parent objects. You can create this object yourself, or you can use a theme provided by When using ChartArea as a solo component, implement the theme directly on ChartArea. If you are wrapping ChartArea in ChartChart or ChartGroup, please call the theme on the outermost wrapper component instead.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
widthnumberThe width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container This value should be given as a number of pixels
xnumber | string | Function | string[]The x prop specifies how to access the X value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'x', 'x.value.nested.1.thing', 'x[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
ynumber | string | Function | string[]The y prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
y0number | string | Function | string[]Use y0 data accessor prop to determine how the component defines the baseline y0 data. This prop is useful for defining custom baselines for components like ChartArea. This prop may be given in a variety of formats. @example 'last_quarter_profit', () => 10, 1, 'employees.salary', ["employees", "salary"]


ChartAxis renders a single axis which can be used on its own or composed with Chart. See
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
axisComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The axisComponent prop takes in an entire component which will be used to create the axis line. The new element created from the passed axisComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x1, y1, x2, y2, style and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If an axisComponent is not supplied, ChartAxis will render its default AxisLine component.
axisLabelComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLabel />The axisLabelComponent prop takes in an entire component which will be used to create the axis label. The new element created from the passed axisLabelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, transform, style and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If an axisLabelComponent is not supplied, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above
axisValuenumber | string | object | DateThe axisValue prop may be used instead of axisAngle to position the dependent axis. Ths prop is useful when dependent axes should line up with values on the independent axis.
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartAxis: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartAxis will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows ..." />
crossAxisbooleanThis prop specifies whether a given axis is intended to cross another axis.
dependentAxisbooleanThe dependentAxis prop specifies whether the axis corresponds to the dependent variable (usually y). This prop is useful when composing axis with other components to form a chart.
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your axis will include. This prop should be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your axis. If this value is not given it will be calculated based on the scale or tickValues. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
eventsobject[]The event prop take an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "axis", "axisLabel", "ticks", "tickLabels", and "grid" are all valid targets for ChartAxis events. The eventKey may optionally be used to select a single element by index rather than an entire set. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler be used to modify other elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. a single tick), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "grid", eventKey: 2, eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {stroke: "orange"})}; } }, { target: "tickLabels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartAxis uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
fixAxisLabelHeightbooleanWhen true, this prop adjusts the height between the axis label and bottom positioned legend
fixLabelOverlapbooleanWhen true, this prop reduces the number of tick labels to fit the length of the axis. Labels are removed at approximately even intervals from the original array of labels. This feature only works well for labels that are approximately evenly spaced.
gridComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The gridComponent prop takes in an entire component which will be used to create grid lines. The new element created from the passed gridComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x1, y1, x2, y2, tick, style and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a gridComponent is not supplied, ChartAxis will render its default GridLine component.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
heightnumberSpecifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into.
invertAxisbooleanIf true, this value will flip the domain of a given axis.
labelanyThe label prop defines the label that will appear along the axis. This prop should be given as a value or an entire, HTML-complete label component. If a label component is given, it will be cloned. The new element's properties x, y, textAnchor, verticalAnchor, and transform will have defaults provided by the axis; styles filled out with defaults provided by the axis, and overrides from the label component. If a value is given, a new ChartLabel will be created with props and styles from the axis.
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is typically used to reference a component instance when defining shared events. However, this optional prop may also be applied to child elements as an ID prefix. This is a workaround to ensure Victory based components output unique IDs when multiple charts appear in a page.
offsetXnumberThis value describes how far from the "edge" of its permitted area each axis will be set back in the x-direction. If this prop is not given, the offset is calculated based on font size, axis orientation, and label padding.
offsetYnumberThis value describes how far from the "edge" of its permitted area each axis will be set back in the y-direction. If this prop is not given, the offset is calculated based on font size, axis orientation, and label padding.
orientationstringThe orientation prop specifies the position and orientation of your axis. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right'.
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
rangenumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart, ChartStack, or ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
showGridbooleanfalseShow axis grid and ticks
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartAxis with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ axis: object, axisLabel: object, grid: object, ticks: object, tickLabels: object }The style prop defines the style of the component. The style prop should be given as an object with styles defined for parent, axis, axisLabel, grid, ticks, and tickLabels. Any valid svg styles are supported, but width, height, and padding should be specified via props as they determine relative layout for components in Chart. Functional styles may be defined for grid, tick, and tickLabel style properties, and they will be evaluated with each tick. Note: When a component is rendered as a child of another Victory component, or within a custom <svg> element with standalone={false} parent styles will be applied to the enclosing <g> tag. Many styles that can be applied to a parent <svg> will not be expressed when applied to a <g>. Note: custom angle and verticalAnchor properties may be included in labels styles.
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop takes a style object with nested data, labels, and parent objects. You can create this object yourself, or you can use a theme provided by When using ChartAxis as a solo component, implement the theme directly on ChartAxis. If you are wrapping ChartAxis in ChartChart or ChartGroup, please call the theme on the outermost wrapper component instead.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
tickComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The tickComponent prop takes in an entire component which will be used to create tick lines. The new element created from the passed tickComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x1, y1, x2, y2, tick, style and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a tickComponent is not supplied, ChartAxis will render its default Tick component.
tickCountnumberThe tickCount prop specifies approximately how many ticks should be drawn on the axis if tickValues are not explicitly provided. This value is calculated by d3 scale and prioritizes returning "nice" values and evenly spaced ticks over an exact number of ticks. If you need an exact number of ticks, please specify them via the tickValues prop. This prop must have a value greater than zero.
tickFormatany[] | ((tick: any, index: number, ticks: any[]) => string | number)The tickFormat prop specifies how tick values should be expressed visually. tickFormat can be given as a function to be applied to every tickValue, or as an array of display values for each tickValue. @example d3.time.format("%Y"), (x) => x.toPrecision(2), ["first", "second", "third"]
tickLabelComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLabel />The tickLabelComponent prop takes in an entire component which will be used to create the tick labels. The new element created from the passed tickLabelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, tick, style and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If an tickLabelComponent is not supplied, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above
tickValuesany[]The tickValues prop explicitly specifies which tick values to draw on the axis. @example ["apples", "bananas", "oranges"], [2, 4, 6, 8]
widthnumberSpecifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into. Note: innerRadius may need to be set when using this property.


ChartBar renders a dataset as series of bars. ChartBar can be composed with Chart to create bar charts. See
alignmentstringThe alignment prop specifies how bars should be aligned relative to their data points. This prop may be given as “start”, “middle” or “end”. When this prop is not specified, bars will have “middle” alignment relative to their data points.
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
barRationumberThe barRatio prop specifies an approximate ratio between bar widths and spaces between bars. When width is not specified via the barWidth prop or in bar styles, the barRatio prop will be used to calculate a default width for each bar given the total number of bars in the data series and the overall width of the chart.
barWidthnumber | FunctionThe barWidth prop is used to specify the width of each bar. This prop may be given as a number of pixels or as a function that returns a number. When this prop is given as a function, it will be evaluated with the arguments datum, and active. When this value is not given, a default value will be calculated based on the overall dimensions of the chart, and the number of bars.
categoriesstring[] | { x: string[], y: string[] }The categories prop specifies how categorical data for a chart should be ordered. This prop should be given as an array of string values, or an object with these arrays of values specified for x and y. If this prop is not set, categorical data will be plotted in the order it was given in the data array @example ["dogs", "cats", "mice"]
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartBar: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartBar will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows..." />
cornerRadiusFunction | number | { top, bottom, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight }The cornerRadius prop specifies a radius to apply to each bar. If this prop is given as a single number, the radius will only be applied to the top of each bar. When this prop is given as a function, it will be evaluated with the arguments datum, and active. @example {topLeft: ({ datum }) => datum.x * 4}
dataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `x` and `y` accessor props), but by default, an object with x and y properties is expected. @example [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 2, y: 3}], [[1, 2], [2, 3]], [[{x: "a", y: 1}, {x: "b", y: 2}], [{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}]]
dataComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The dataComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a bar. The new element created from the passed dataComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by ChartBar: a scale, style, events, interpolation, and an array of modified data objects (including x, y, and calculated y0 and y1). Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartBar will use its default Bar component.
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will cover. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your bar chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
eventKeynumber | string | FunctionSimilar to data accessor props `x` and `y`, this prop may be used to functionally assign eventKeys to data
eventsobject[]The event prop take an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "data" and "labels" are all valid targets for VictoryBar events. The eventKey may optionally be used to select a single element by index rather than an entire set. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. a single bar), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "data", eventKey: "thisOne", eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { eventKey: "theOtherOne", mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})}; } }, { eventKey: "theOtherOne", target: "labels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartBar uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
heightnumberThe height props specifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether the bars will be laid vertically or horizontally. The bars will be vertical if this prop is false or unspecified, or horizontal if the prop is set to true.
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The labelComponent prop takes in an entire label component which will be used to create a label for the bar. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, data, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, style, text, and events. any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above. This labelComponent prop should be used to provide a series label for ChartBar. If individual labels are required for each data point, they should be created by composing ChartBar with VictoryScatter
labelsstring[] | number[] | ((data: any) => string | number | null)The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your chart. This prop should be given as an array of values or as a function of data. If given as an array, the number of elements in the array should be equal to the length of the data array. Labels may also be added directly to the data object like data={[{x: 1, y: 1, label: "first"}]}. @example ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"], (datum) => datum.title
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is used to reference a component instance when defining shared events.
origin{ x: number, y: number }Victory components will pass an origin prop is to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. Note: It will not typically be necessary to set an origin prop manually
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
rangenumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart or ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
samplesnumberThe samples prop specifies how many individual points to plot when plotting y as a function of x. Samples is ignored if x props are provided instead.
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
sortKeynumber | string | Function | string[]Use the sortKey prop to indicate how data should be sorted. This prop is given directly to the lodash sortBy function to be executed on the final dataset.
sortOrderstringThe sortOrder prop specifies whether sorted data should be returned in 'ascending' or 'descending' order.
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartBar with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ parent: object, data: object, labels: object }The style prop specifies styles for your ChartBar. Any valid inline style properties will be applied. Height, width, and padding should be specified via the height, width, and padding props, as they are used to calculate the alignment of components within chart. @example {data: {fill: "red"}, labels: {fontSize: 12}}
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop takes a style object with nested data, labels, and parent objects. You can create this object yourself, or you can use a theme provided by When using ChartBar as a solo component, implement the theme directly on ChartBar. If you are wrapping ChartBar in ChartChart or ChartGroup, please call the theme on the outermost wrapper component instead.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
widthnumberThe width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container This value should be given as a number of pixels
xnumber | string | Function | string[]The x prop specifies how to access the X value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'x', 'x.value.nested.1.thing', 'x[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
ynumber | string | Function | string[]The y prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
y0number | string | Function | string[]Use y0 data accessor prop to determine how the component defines the baseline y0 data. This prop is useful for defining custom baselines for components like ChartBar. This prop may be given in a variety of formats. @example 'last_quarter_profit', () => 10, 1, 'employees.salary', ["employees", "salary"]


ChartBullet renders a dataset as a bullet chart. See
allowTooltipbooleantrueSpecifies the tooltip capability of the container component. A value of true allows the chart to add a ChartTooltip component to the labelComponent property. This is a shortcut to display tooltips when the labels property is also provided.
ariaDescstringThe ariaDesc prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers.
ariaTitlestringThe ariaTitle prop specifies the title to be applied to the SVG to assist accessibility for screen readers.
axisComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartAxis />The axis component to render with the chart
bulletSizenumbertheme.chart.heightSpecifies the size of the bullet chart. For a horizontal chart, this adjusts bar height; although, it technically scales the underlying barWidth property. Note: Values should be >= 125, the default is 140
comparativeErrorMeasureComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletComparativeErrorMeasure />The comparative error measure component to render with the chart
comparativeErrorMeasureDataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `comparativeErrorMeasureDataY` accessor prop), but by default, an object with y properties is expected. @example comparativeErrorMeasureData={[{ y: 50 }]}
comparativeErrorMeasureDataYnumber | string | Function | string[]The comparativeErrorMeasureDataY prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
comparativeErrorMeasureLegendData{ name?: string; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array. @example legendData={[{ name: `GBps capacity - 45%` }, { name: 'Unused' }]}
comparativeWarningMeasureComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletComparativeWarningMeasure />The comparative warning measure component to render with the chart
comparativeWarningMeasureDataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `comparativeErrorMeasureDataY` accessor prop), but by default, an object with y properties is expected. @example comparativeWarningMeasureData={[{ y: 50 }]}
comparativeWarningMeasureDataYnumber | string | Function | string[]The comparativeWarningMeasureDataY prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
comparativeWarningMeasureLegendData{ name?: string; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array. @example legendData={[{ name: `GBps capacity - 45%` }, { name: 'Unused' }]}
comparativeZeroMeasureComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletComparativeMeasure />The comparative zero measure component to render with the chart
constrainToVisibleAreabooleanfalseThe constrainToVisibleArea prop determines whether to coerce tooltips so that they fit within the visible area of the chart. When this prop is set to true, tooltip pointers will still point to the correct data point, but the center of the tooltip will be shifted to fit within the overall width and height of the svg Victory renders.
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }getBulletDomain({ comparativeErrorMeasureComponent, comparativeErrorMeasureData, comparativeWarningMeasureComponent, comparativeWarningMeasureData, maxDomain, minDomain, primaryDotMeasureComponent, primaryDotMeasureData, primarySegmentedMeasureComponent, primarySegmentedMeasureData, qualitativeRangeComponent, qualitativeRangeData })The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will include. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. Note: The x domain is expected to be `x: [0, 2]` in order to position all measures properly @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } {x: [0, 2], y: [0, 100]}
groupSubTitlestringThe subtitle to render for grouped bullets
groupTitlestringThe title to render for grouped bullets
groupTitleComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletGroupTitle />The group title component to render for grouped bullets
heightnumberhorizontal ? theme.chart.height : theme.chart.widthSpecifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into. Typically, the parent container is set to the same width in order to maintain the aspect ratio.
horizontalbooleantrueThe horizontal prop determines whether data will be plotted horizontally. When this prop is set to true, the independent variable will be plotted on the y axis and the dependent variable will be plotted on the x axis.
invertbooleanfalseInvert the color scales used to represent primary measures and qualitative ranges.
labelsstring[] | number[] | ((data: any) => string | number | null)The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your chart. This prop should be given as an array of values or as a function of data. If given as an array, the number of elements in the array should be equal to the length of the data array. Labels may also be added directly to the data object like data={[{y: 1, label: "first"}]}. @example ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"], (datum) => datum.title
legendAllowWrapBetaboolean | ((extraHeight: number) => void)falseAllows legend items to wrap onto the next line if the chart is not wide enough. Note that the chart's SVG height and width are 100% by default, so it can be responsive itself. However, if you define the height and width of the chart's parent container, you must accommodate for extra legend height due to legend items wrapping onto the next line. When the height of the chart's parent container is too small, some legend items may not be visible. Alternatively, a callback function may be provided, which will be called after the legend's itemsPerRow property has been calculated. The value provided can be used to increase the chart's parent container height as legend items wrap onto the next line. If no adjustment is necessary, the value will be zero. Note: This is overridden by the legendItemsPerRow property
legendComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLegend />The legend component to render with chart.
legendDirectionBeta'ltr' | 'rtl''ltr'Text direction of the legend labels.
legendItemsPerRownumberThe legendItemsPerRow prop determines how many items to render in each row of a horizontal legend, or in each column of a vertical legend. This prop should be given as an integer. When this prop is not given, legend items will be rendered in a single row or column.
legendOrientation'horizontal' | 'vertical'theme.legend.orientationThe orientation prop takes a string that defines whether legend data are displayed in a row or column. When orientation is "horizontal", legend items will be displayed in a single row. When orientation is "vertical", legend items will be displayed in a single column. Line and text-wrapping is not currently supported, so "vertical" orientation is both the default setting and recommended for displaying many series of data.
legendPosition'bottom' | 'bottom-left' | 'right''bottom'The legend position relation to the chart. Valid values are 'bottom', 'bottom-left', and 'right' Note: When adding a legend, padding may need to be adjusted in order to accommodate the extra legend. In some cases, the legend may not be visible until enough padding is applied.
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }} Note: The x domain is expected to be `x: 2` in order to position all measures properly
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }} Note: The x domain is expected to be `x: 0` in order to position all measures properly
namestringThe name prop is typically used to reference a component instance when defining shared events. However, this optional prop may also be applied to child elements as an ID prefix. This is a workaround to ensure Victory based components output unique IDs when multiple charts appear in a page.
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right. Note: The underlying bullet chart is a different size than height and width. For a horizontal chart, left and right padding may need to be applied at (approx) 2 to 1 scale.
primaryDotMeasureComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletPrimaryDotMeasure />The primary dot measure component to render with the chart
primaryDotMeasureDataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `comparativeErrorMeasureDataY` accessor prop), but by default, an object with y properties is expected. @example primaryDotMeasureData={[{ y: 50 }]}
primaryDotMeasureDataYnumber | string | Function | string[]The primaryDotMeasureDataY prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
primaryDotMeasureLegendData{ name?: string; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array. @example legendData={[{ name: `GBps capacity - 45%` }, { name: 'Unused' }]}
primarySegmentedMeasureComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletPrimarySegmentedMeasure />The primary segmented measure component to render with the chart
primarySegmentedMeasureDataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `comparativeErrorMeasureDataY` accessor prop), but by default, an object with y properties is expected. @example primarySegmentedMeasureData={[{ y: 50 }]}
primarySegmentedMeasureDataYnumber | string | Function | string[]The primarySegmentedMeasureDataY prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
primarySegmentedMeasureLegendData{ name?: string; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array. @example legendData={[{ name: `GBps capacity - 45%` }, { name: 'Unused' }]}
qualitativeRangeComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletQualitativeRange />The qualitative range component to render with the chart
qualitativeRangeDataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `comparativeErrorMeasureDataY` accessor prop), but by default, an object with y properties is expected. @example qualitativeRangeData={[{ y: 50 }]}
qualitativeRangeDataYnumber | string | Function | string[]The qualitativeRangeDataY prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
qualitativeRangeDataY0number | string | Function | string[]Use qualitativeRangeDataY0 data accessor prop to determine how the component defines the baseline y0 data. This prop is useful for defining custom baselines for components like ChartBar. This prop may be given in a variety of formats. @example 'last_quarter_profit', () => 10, 1, 'employees.salary', ["employees", "salary"]
qualitativeRangeLegendData{ name?: string; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array. @example legendData={[{ name: `GBps capacity - 45%` }, { name: 'Unused' }]}
standalonebooleantrueThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose Chart with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
subTitlestringThe subtitle for the chart
themeobjectgetBulletThemeWithLegendColorScale({ comparativeErrorMeasureData, comparativeErrorMeasureLegendData, comparativeWarningMeasureData, comparativeWarningMeasureLegendData, invert, primaryDotMeasureData, primaryDotMeasureLegendData, primarySegmentedMeasureData, primarySegmentedMeasureLegendData, qualitativeRangeData, qualitativeRangeLegendData, themeColor })The theme prop specifies a theme to use for determining styles and layout properties for a component. Any styles or props defined in theme may be overwritten by props specified on the component instance.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
titlestringThe title for the chart
titleComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartBulletTitle />The label component to render the chart title.
titlePosition'left' | 'top-left'The title position relation to the chart. Valid values are 'left', and 'top-left' Note: These properties are only valid for horizontal layouts
widthnumberhorizontal ? theme.chart.width : theme.chart.heightSpecifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into. Typically, the parent container is set to the same width in order to maintain the aspect ratio.


ChartGroup is a wrapper component that renders a given set of children with some shared props. ChartGroup reconciles the domain and layout for all its children, and coordinates animations and shared events. ChartGroup may also be used to supply common data and styles to all its children. This is especially useful when adding markers to a line, or adding voronoi tooltips to data. ChartGroup may also be used to apply an offset to a group of children, as with grouped bar charts, or may be used to stack several components on the same level, e.g., stacked area charts with data markers. See
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
ariaDescstringThe ariaDesc prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers. Note: Overridden by the desc prop of containerComponent
ariaTitlestringThe ariaTitle prop specifies the title to be applied to the SVG to assist accessibility for screen readers. Note: Overridden by the title prop of containerComponent
categoriesstring[] | { x: string[], y: string[] }The categories prop specifies how categorical data for a chart should be ordered. This prop should be given as an array of string values, or an object with these arrays of values specified for x and y. If this prop is not set, categorical data will be plotted in the order it was given in the data array @example ["dogs", "cats", "mice"]
childrenReact.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]The children to render with the chart
colorstringThe color prop is an optional prop that defines a single color to be applied to the children of ChartGroup. The color prop will override colors specified via colorScale.
colorScalestring[]The colorScale prop is an optional prop that defines the color scale the chart's bars will be created on. This prop should be given as an array of CSS colors, or as a string corresponding to one of the built in color scales. ChartGroup will automatically assign values from this color scale to the bars unless colors are explicitly provided in the `dataAttributes` prop.
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartGroup: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartGroup will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows..." />
dataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `x` and `y` accessor props), but by default, an object with x and y properties is expected. @example [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 2, y: 3}], [[1, 2], [2, 3]], [[{x: "a", y: 1}, {x: "b", y: 2}], [{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}]]
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will cover. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your bar chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
eventKeynumber | string | FunctionSimilar to data accessor props `x` and `y`, this prop may be used to functionally assign eventKeys to data
eventsobject[]The event prop take an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "data" and "labels" are all valid targets for ChartGroup events. Since ChartGroup only renders a single element, the eventKey property is not used. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. an area), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "data", eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})}; } }, { target: "labels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartGroup uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
hasPatternsboolean | boolean[]The hasPatterns prop is an optional prop that indicates whether a pattern is shown for a chart. SVG patterns are dynamically generated (unique to each chart) in order to apply colors from the selected color theme or custom color scale. Those generated patterns are applied in a specific order (via a URL), similar to the color theme ordering defined by PatternFly. If the multi-color theme was in use; for example, colorized patterns would be displayed in that same order. Create custom patterns via the patternScale prop. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example hasPatterns={ true } @example hasPatterns={[ true, true, false ]}
heightnumberThe height props specifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether data will be plotted horizontally. When this prop is set to true, the independent variable will be plotted on the y axis and the dependent variable will be plotted on the x axis.
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The labelComponent prop takes in an entire label component which will be used to create a label for the area. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, data, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, style, text, and events. any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above. This labelComponent prop should be used to provide a series label for ChartGroup. If individual labels are required for each data point, they should be created by composing ChartGroup with VictoryScatter
labelsstring[] | number[] | ((data: any) => string | number | null)The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your chart. This prop should be given as an array of values or as a function of data. If given as an array, the number of elements in the array should be equal to the length of the data array. Labels may also be added directly to the data object like data={[{x: 1, y: 1, label: "first"}]}. @example ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"], (datum) => datum.title
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is used to reference a component instance when defining shared events.
offsetnumberThe offset prop determines the number of pixels each element in a group should be offset from its original position of the on the independent axis. In the case of groups of bars, this number should be equal to the width of the bar plus the desired spacing between bars.
origin{ x: number, y: number }Victory components will pass an origin prop is to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. Note: It will not typically be necessary to set an origin prop manually
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
patternScalestring[]The patternScale prop is an optional prop that defines patterns to apply, where applicable. This prop should be given as a string array of pattern URLs. Patterns will be assigned to children by index and will repeat when there are more children than patterns in the provided patternScale. Use null to omit the pattern for a given index. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example patternScale={[ 'url("#pattern1")', 'url("#pattern2")', null ]}
polarbooleanVictory components can pass a boolean polar prop to specify whether a label is part of a polar chart.
rangenumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart, ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
samplesnumberThe samples prop specifies how many individual points to plot when plotting y as a function of x. Samples is ignored if x props are provided instead.
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
sortKeynumber | string | Function | string[]Use the sortKey prop to indicate how data should be sorted. This prop is given directly to the lodash sortBy function to be executed on the final dataset.
sortOrderstringThe sortOrder prop specifies whether sorted data should be returned in 'ascending' or 'descending' order.
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartGroup with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ parent: object, data: object, labels: object }The style prop specifies styles for your ChartGroup. Any valid inline style properties will be applied. Height, width, and padding should be specified via the height, width, and padding props, as they are used to calculate the alignment of components within chart. @example {data: {fill: "red"}, labels: {fontSize: 12}}
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop specifies a theme to use for determining styles and layout properties for a component. Any styles or props defined in theme may be overwritten by props specified on the component instance.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
widthnumberThe width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container This value should be given as a number of pixels
xnumber | string | Function | string[]The x prop specifies how to access the X value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'x', 'x.value.nested.1.thing', 'x[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
ynumber | string | Function | string[]The y prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
y0number | string | Function | string[]Use y0 data accessor prop to determine how the component defines the baseline y0 data. This prop is useful for defining custom baselines for components like ChartBar or ChartArea. This prop may be given in a variety of formats. @example 'last_quarter_profit', () => 10, 1, 'employees.salary', ["employees", "salary"]


ChartLegend renders a chart legend component. See
borderComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The borderComponent prop takes a component instance which will be responsible for rendering a border around the legend. The new element created from the passed borderComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by ChartLegend: x, y, width, height, and style. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a borderComponent is not provided, ChartLegend will use its default Border component. Please note that the default width and height calculated for the border component is based on approximated text measurements, and may need to be adjusted.
borderPaddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The borderPadding specifies the amount of padding that should be added between the legend items and the border. This prop may be given as a number, or asanobject with values specified for top, bottom, left, and right. Please note that the default width and height calculated for the border component is based on approximated text measurements, so padding may need to be adjusted.
centerTitlebooleanThe centerTitle boolean prop specifies whether a legend title should be centered.
colorScalestring[]The colorScale prop defines a color scale to be applied to each data symbol in ChartLegend. This prop should be given as an array of CSS colors, or as a string corresponding to one of the built in color scales. Colors will repeat when there are more symbols than colors in the provided colorScale.
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartLegend: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartLegend will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows ..." />
data{ name?: string; labels?: { fill?: string; }; symbol?: { fill?: string; type?: string; }; }[]Specify data via the data prop. ChartLegend expects data as an array of objects with name (required), symbol, and labels properties. The data prop must be given as an array.
dataComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartPoint />The dataComponent prop takes a component instance which will be responsible for rendering a data element used to associate a symbol or color with each data series. The new element created from the passed dataComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by ChartLegend: x, y, size, style, and symbol. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartLegend will use its default Point component.
eventKeynumber | string | Function | string[]ChartLegend uses the standard eventKey prop to specify how event targets are addressed. This prop is not commonly used.
eventsobject[]ChartLegend uses the standard events prop.
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartLegend uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
gutternumber | { left: number; right: number }The gutter prop defines the number of pixels between legend rows or columns, depending on orientation. When orientation is horizontal, gutters are between columns. When orientation is vertical, gutters are the space between rows.
itemsPerRownumberThe itemsPerRow prop determines how many items to render in each row of a horizontal legend, or in each column of a vertical legend. This prop should be given as an integer. When this prop is not given, legend items will be rendered in a single row or column.
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLabel />The labelComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to render each legend label. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, style, and text. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with the props described above.
namestringThe name prop is typically used to reference a component instance when defining shared events. However, this optional prop may also be applied to child elements as an ID prefix. This is a workaround to ensure Victory based components output unique IDs when multiple charts appear in a page.
orientationstringThe orientation prop takes a string that defines whether legend data are displayed in a row or column. When orientation is "horizontal", legend items will be displayed in a single row. When orientation is "vertical", legend items will be displayed in a single column. Line and text-wrapping is not currently supported, so "vertical" orientation is both the default setting and recommended for displaying many series of data.
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
patternScalestring[]The patternScale prop is an optional prop that defines patterns to apply, where applicable. This prop should be given as a string array of pattern URLs. Patterns will be assigned to children by index and will repeat when there are more children than patterns in the provided patternScale. Use null to omit the pattern for a given index. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example patternScale={[ 'url("#pattern1")', 'url("#pattern2")', null ]}
responsivebooleantrueThe responsive prop specifies whether the rendered container should be a responsive container with a viewBox attribute, or a static container with absolute width and height. Useful when legend is located inside a chart -- default is false. Note: Not compatible with containerComponent prop
rowGutternumber | { top: number, bottom: number }The rowGutter prop defines the number of pixels between legend rows. This prop may be given as a number, or as an object with values specified for “top” and “bottom” gutters. To set spacing between columns, use the gutter prop. @example { top: 0, bottom: 10 }
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartLegend with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ border: object, data: object, labels: object, parent: object, title: object }The style prop specifies styles for your pie. ChartLegend relies on Radium, so valid Radium style objects should work for this prop. Height, width, and padding should be specified via the height, width, and padding props. @example {data: {stroke: "black"}, label: {fontSize: 10}}
symbolSpacernumberThe symbolSpacer prop defines the number of pixels between data components and label components.
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop takes a style object with nested data, labels, and parent objects. You can create this object yourself, or you can use a theme provided by When using ChartLegend as a solo component, implement the theme directly on ChartLegend. If you are wrapping ChartLegend in ChartChart or ChartGroup, please call the theme on the outermost wrapper component instead.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
titlestring | string[]The title prop specifies a title to render with the legend. This prop should be given as a string, or an array of strings for multi-line titles.
titleComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLabel />The titleComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to render a title for the component. The new element created from the passed label component will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, data, datum, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, style, text, and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with the props described above.
titleOrientationstringThe titleOrientation prop specifies where the title should be rendered in relation to the rest of the legend. Possible values for this prop are “top”, “bottom”, “left”, and “right”.
widthnumberSpecifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. Because Victory renders responsive containers, the width and height props do not determine the width and height of the chart in number of pixels, but instead define an aspect ratio for the chart. The exact number of pixels will depend on the size of the container the chart is rendered into.
xnumberThe x and y props define the base position of the legend element.
ynumberThe x and y props define the base position of the legend element.


ChartStack is a wrapper component that renders a given set of children in a stacked layout. Like other wrapper components, ChartStack also reconciles the domain and layout for all its children, and coordinates animations and shared events. See
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
ariaDescstringThe ariaDesc prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers. Note: Overridden by the desc prop of containerComponent
ariaTitlestringThe ariaTitle prop specifies the title to be applied to the SVG to assist accessibility for screen readers. Note: Overridden by the title prop of containerComponent
categoriesstring[] | { x: string[], y: string[] }The categories prop specifies how categorical data for a chart should be ordered. This prop should be given as an array of string values, or an object with these values for x and y. When categories are not given as an object When this prop is set on a wrapper component, it will dictate the categories of its the children. If this prop is not set, any categories on child component or catigorical data, will be merged to create a shared set of categories. @example ["dogs", "cats", "mice"]
childrenReact.ReactNodeChartStack works with any combination of the following children: ChartArea, ChartBar, VictoryCandlestick, VictoryErrorBar, ChartGroup, ChartLine, VictoryScatter, ChartStack, and ChartVoronoi. Children supplied to ChartGroup will be cloned and rendered with new props so that all children share common props such as domain and scale.
colorScalestring[]The colorScale prop is an optional prop that defines the color scale the chart's bars will be created on. This prop should be given as an array of CSS colors, or as a string corresponding to one of the built in color scales. ChartStack will automatically assign values from this color scale to the bars unless colors are explicitly provided in the `dataAttributes` prop.
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartContainer />The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartArea: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartArea will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows..." />
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will include. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
eventKeynumber | string | FunctionSimilar to data accessor props `x` and `y`, this prop may be used to functionally assign eventKeys to data
eventsobject[]The event prop take an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a childName, target, eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, (i.e. "data" and "labels"). The childName will refer to an individual child of ChartStack, either by its name prop, or by index. The eventKey may optionally be used to select a single element by index or eventKey rather than an entire set. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey and childName keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey and childName keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. a single bar), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "data", childName: "firstBar", eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { childName: "secondBar", mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})}; } }, { childName: "secondBar", target: "labels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartStack uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
hasPatternsboolean | boolean[]The hasPatterns prop is an optional prop that indicates whether a pattern is shown for a chart. SVG patterns are dynamically generated (unique to each chart) in order to apply colors from the selected color theme or custom color scale. Those generated patterns are applied in a specific order (via a URL), similar to the color theme ordering defined by PatternFly. If the multi-color theme was in use; for example, colorized patterns would be displayed in that same order. Create custom patterns via the patternScale prop. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example hasPatterns={ true } @example hasPatterns={[ true, true, false ]}
heightnumberThe height props specifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether the bars will be laid vertically or horizontally. The bars will be vertical if this prop is false or unspecified, or horizontal if the prop is set to true.
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The labelComponent prop takes in an entire label component which will be used to create a label for the area. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, data, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, style, text, and events. any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above. This labelComponent prop should be used to provide a series label for ChartArea. If individual labels are required for each data point, they should be created by composing ChartArea with VictoryScatter
labelsstring[] | number[] | ((data: any) => string | number | null)The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your chart. This prop should be given as an array of values or as a function of data. If given as an array, the number of elements in the array should be equal to the length of the data array. Labels may also be added directly to the data object like data={[{x: 1, y: 1, label: "first"}]}. @example ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"], (datum) => datum.title
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is used to reference a component instance when defining shared events.
origin{ x: number, y: number }Victory components will pass an origin prop is to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. Note: It will not typically be necessary to set an origin prop manually
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
patternScalestring[]The patternScale prop is an optional prop that defines patterns to apply, where applicable. This prop should be given as a string array of pattern URLs. Patterns will be assigned to children by index and will repeat when there are more children than patterns in the provided patternScale. Use null to omit the pattern for a given index. Note: Not all components are supported; for example, ChartLine, ChartBullet, ChartThreshold, etc. @example patternScale={[ 'url("#pattern1")', 'url("#pattern2")', null ]}
rangenumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart or ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartArea with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ parent: object, data: object, labels: object }The style prop specifies styles for your grouped chart. These styles will be applied to all grouped children
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop takes a style object with nested data, labels, and parent objects. You can create this object yourself, or you can use a theme provided by When using ChartArea as a solo component, implement the theme directly on ChartArea. If you are wrapping ChartArea in ChartChart or ChartGroup, please call the theme on the outermost wrapper component instead.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
widthnumberThe width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container This value should be given as a number of pixels
xOffsetnumberThe xOffset prop is used for grouping stacks of bars. This prop will be set by the ChartGroup component wrapper, or can be set manually.


CharThreshold renders a dataset as a threshold chart. See
animateboolean | objectThe animate prop specifies props for VictoryAnimation to use. The animate prop should also be used to specify enter and exit transition configurations with the `onExit` and `onEnter` namespaces respectively. @example {duration: 500, onExit: () => {}, onEnter: {duration: 500, before: () => ({y: 0})})}
categoriesstring[] | { x: string[], y: string[] }The categories prop specifies how categorical data for a chart should be ordered. This prop should be given as an array of string values, or an object with these arrays of values specified for x and y. If this prop is not set, categorical data will be plotted in the order it was given in the data array @example ["dogs", "cats", "mice"]
containerComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The containerComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create a container element for standalone charts. The new element created from the passed containerComponent wil be provided with these props from ChartLine: height, width, children (the chart itself) and style. Props that are not provided by the child chart component include title and desc, both of which are intended to add accessibility to Victory components. The more descriptive these props are, the more accessible your data will be for people using screen readers. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartLine will use the default ChartContainer component. @example <ChartContainer title="Chart of Dog Breeds" desc="This chart shows..." />
dataany[]The data prop specifies the data to be plotted. Data should be in the form of an array of data points, or an array of arrays of data points for multiple datasets. Each data point may be any format you wish (depending on the `x` and `y` accessor props), but by default, an object with x and y properties is expected. @example [{x: 1, y: 2}, {x: 2, y: 3}], [[1, 2], [2, 3]], [[{x: "a", y: 1}, {x: "b", y: 2}], [{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}]]
dataComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The dataComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create an area. The new element created from the passed dataComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by ChartLine: a scale, style, events, interpolation, and an array of modified data objects (including x, y, and calculated y0 and y1). Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If a dataComponent is not provided, ChartLine will use its default Line component.
domainnumber[] | { x: number[], y: number[] }The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will cover. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your bar chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information. @example [low, high], { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}
domainPaddingnumber | number[] | { x: number[], y: [number, number] }The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y. @example [left, right], { x: [left, right], y: [bottom, top] } {x: [10, -10], y: 5}
eventKeynumber | string | FunctionSimilar to data accessor props `x` and `y`, this prop may be used to functionally assign eventKeys to data
eventsobject[]The event prop take an array of event objects. Event objects are composed of a target, an eventKey, and eventHandlers. Targets may be any valid style namespace for a given component, so "data" and "labels" are all valid targets for ChartLine events. Since ChartLine only renders a single element, the eventKey property is not used. The eventHandlers object should be given as an object whose keys are standard event names (i.e. onClick) and whose values are event callbacks. The return value of an event handler is used to modify elemnts. The return value should be given as an object or an array of objects with optional target and eventKey keys, and a mutation key whose value is a function. The target and eventKey keys will default to those corresponding to the element the event handler was attached to. The mutation function will be called with the calculated props for the individual selected element (i.e. a line), and the object returned from the mutation function will override the props of the selected element via object assignment. @example events={[ { target: "data", eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { mutation: (props) => { return {style: merge({},, {stroke: "orange"})}; } }, { target: "labels", mutation: () => { return {text: "hey"}; } } ]; } } } ]}
externalEventMutationsobject[]ChartLine uses the standard externalEventMutations prop.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes an entire component which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag on web, and a react-native-svg <G> tag on mobile
heightnumberThe height props specifies the height the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether data will be plotted horizontally. When this prop is set to true, the independent variable will be plotted on the y axis and the dependent variable will be plotted on the x axis.
interpolationstring | FunctionThe interpolation prop determines how data points should be connected when plotting a line. Polar area charts may use the following interpolation options: "basis", "cardinal", "catmullRom", "linear". Cartesian area charts may use the following interpolation options: "basis", "cardinal", "catmullRom", "linear", "monotoneX", "monotoneY", "natural", "step", "stepAfter", "stepBefore".
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The labelComponent prop takes in an entire label component which will be used to create a label for the area. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, data, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, angle, style, text, and events. any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with props described above. This labelComponent prop should be used to provide a series label for ChartLine. If individual labels are required for each data point, they should be created by composing ChartLine with VictoryScatter
labelsstring[] | number[] | ((data: any) => string | number | null)The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your chart. This prop should be given as an array of values or as a function of data. If given as an array, the number of elements in the array should be equal to the length of the data array. Labels may also be added directly to the data object like data={[{x: 1, y: 1, label: "first"}]}. @example ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"], (datum) => datum.title
maxDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The maxDomain prop defines a maximum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the maximum domain of a chart is static, while the minimum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to maximumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the maxDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example maxDomain={0} maxDomain={{ y: 0 }}
minDomainnumber | { x?: number; y?: number }The minDomain prop defines a minimum domain value for a chart. This prop is useful in situations where the minimum domain of a chart is static, while the maximum value depends on data or other variable information. If the domain prop is set in addition to minimumDomain, domain will be used. Note: The x value supplied to the minDomain prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example minDomain={0} minDomain={{ y: 0 }}
namestringThe name prop is used to reference a component instance when defining shared events.
origin{ x: number, y: number }Victory components will pass an origin prop is to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. Note: It will not typically be necessary to set an origin prop manually
paddingnumber | { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number }The padding props specifies the amount of padding in number of pixels between the edge of the chart and any rendered child components. This prop can be given as a number or as an object with padding specified for top, bottom, left and right.
range[number, number] | { x: [number, number], y: [number, number] }The range prop describes the dimensions over which data may be plotted. For cartesian coordinate systems, this corresponds to minimum and maximum svg coordinates in the x and y dimension. In polar coordinate systems this corresponds to a range of angles and radii. When this value is not given it will be calculated from the width, height, and padding, or from the startAngle and endAngle in the case of polar charts. All components in a given chart must share the same range, so setting this prop on children nested within Chart or ChartGroup will have no effect. This prop is usually not set manually. @example [low, high] | { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] } Cartesian: range={{ x: [50, 250], y: [50, 250] }} Polar: range={{ x: [0, 360], y: [0, 250] }}
samplesnumberThe samples prop specifies how many individual points to plot when plotting y as a function of x. Samples is ignored if x props are provided instead.
scalestring | { x: string, y: string }The scale prop determines which scales your chart should use. This prop can be given as a string specifying a supported scale ("linear", "time", "log", "sqrt"), as a d3 scale function, or as an object with scales specified for x and y @example d3Scale.time(), {x: "linear", y: "log"}
singleQuadrantDomainPaddingboolean | { x?: boolean; y?: boolean }By default domainPadding is coerced to existing quadrants. This means that if a given domain only includes positive values, no amount of padding applied by domainPadding will result in a domain with negative values. This is the desired behavior in most cases. For users that need to apply padding without regard to quadrant, the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop may be used. This prop may be given as a boolean or an object with boolean values specified for "x" and/or "y". When this prop is false (or false for a given dimension), padding will be applied without regard to quadrant. If this prop is not specified, domainPadding will be coerced to existing quadrants. Note: The x value supplied to the singleQuadrantDomainPadding prop refers to the independent variable, and the y value refers to the dependent variable. This may cause confusion in horizontal charts, as the independent variable will corresponds to the y axis. @example singleQuadrantDomainPadding={false} singleQuadrantDomainPadding={{ x: false }}
sortKeyDataGetterPropTypeUse the sortKey prop to indicate how data should be sorted. This prop is given directly to the lodash sortBy function to be executed on the final dataset.
sortOrderstringThe sortOrder prop specifies whether sorted data should be returned in 'ascending' or 'descending' order.
standalonebooleanThe standalone prop determines whether the component will render a standalone svg or a <g> tag that will be included in an external svg. Set standalone to false to compose ChartLine with other components within an enclosing <svg> tag.
style{ parent: object, data: object, labels: object }{}The style prop specifies styles for your ChartLine. Any valid inline style properties will be applied. Height, width, and padding should be specified via the height, width, and padding props, as they are used to calculate the alignment of components within chart. @example {data: {fill: "red"}, labels: {fontSize: 12}}
themeobjectgetThresholdTheme(themeColor)The theme prop takes a style object with nested data, labels, and parent objects. You can create this object yourself, or you can use a theme provided by When using ChartLine as a solo component, implement the theme directly on ChartLine. If you are wrapping ChartLine in ChartChart or ChartGroup, please call the theme on the outermost wrapper component instead.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
widthnumberThe width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container This value should be given as a number of pixels
xnumber | string | Function | string[]The x prop specifies how to access the X value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'x', 'x.value.nested.1.thing', 'x[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
ynumber | string | Function | string[]The y prop specifies how to access the Y value of each data point. If given as a function, it will be run on each data point, and returned value will be used. If given as an integer, it will be used as an array index for array-type data points. If given as a string, it will be used as a property key for object-type data points. If given as an array of strings, or a string containing dots or brackets, it will be used as a nested object property path (for details see Lodash docs for _.get). If `null` or `undefined`, the data value will be used as is (identity function/pass-through). @example 0, 'y', 'y.value.nested.1.thing', 'y[2].also.nested', null, d => Math.sin(d)
y0number | string | Function | string[]Use y0 data accessor prop to determine how the component defines the baseline y0 data. This prop is useful for defining custom baselines for components like ChartLine. This prop may be given in a variety of formats. @example 'last_quarter_profit', () => 10, 1, 'employees.salary', ["employees", "salary"]


ChartTooltip renders a tooltip component with a set of default events. When ChartTooltip is used as a label component for any Victory based component that renders data, it will attach events to rendered data components that will activate the tooltip when hovered or focused. ChartTooltipTooltip renders text as well as a configurable Flyout container. Note: When providing tooltips for ChartLine or ChartArea, it is necessary to use ChartVoronoiContainer, as these components only render a single element for the entire dataset. See
activateDatabooleanWhen true, tooltip events will set the active prop on both data and label elements.
activebooleanThe active prop specifies whether the tooltip component should be displayed.
anglenumberThe angle prop specifies the angle to rotate the tooltip around its origin point.
center{ x: number; y: number }The center prop determines the position of the center of the tooltip flyout. This prop should be given as an object that describes the desired x and y svg coordinates of the center of the tooltip. This prop is useful for positioning the flyout of a tooltip independent from the pointer. When ChartTooltip is used with ChartVoronoiContainer, the center prop is what enables the mouseFollowTooltips option. When this prop is set, non-zero pointerLength values will no longer be respected.
centerOffset{ x: number | Function, y: number | Function }The centerOffset prop determines the position of the center of the tooltip flyout in relation to the flyout pointer. This prop should be given as an object of x and y, where each is either a numeric offset value or a function that returns a numeric value. When this prop is set, non-zero pointerLength values will no longer be respected.
constrainToVisibleAreabooleanfalseThe constrainToVisibleArea prop determines whether to coerce tooltips so that they fit within the visible area of the chart. When this prop is set to true, tooltip pointers will still point to the correct data point, but the center of the tooltip will be shifted to fit within the overall width and height of the svg Victory renders.
cornerRadiusnumber | FunctionThe cornerRadius prop determines corner radius of the flyout container. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum.
dataany[]Victory components can pass a data prop to their label component. This can be useful in custom components that need to make use of the entire dataset.
datum{}Victory components can pass a datum prop to their label component. This can be used to calculate functional styles, and determine text.
dxnumber | FunctionThe dx prop defines a horizontal shift from the x coordinate.
dynumber | FunctionThe dy prop defines a vertical shift from the y coordinate.
eventsobjectThe events prop attaches arbitrary event handlers to the label component. This prop should be given as an object of event names and corresponding event handlers. When events are provided via Victory’s event system, event handlers will be called with the event, the props of the component is attached to, and an eventKey. @example events={{onClick: (evt) => alert("x: " + evt.clientX)}}
flyoutComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The flyoutComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to create the flyout path for each tooltip. The new element created from the passed flyoutComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, dx, dy, index, datum, cornerRadius, pointerLength, pointerWidth, width, height, orientation, style, and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If flyoutComponent is omitted, a default Flyout component will be created with props described above. @example flyoutComponent={<Flyout x={50} y={50}/>}, flyoutComponent={<MyCustomFlyout/>}
flyoutHeightnumber | FunctionThe flyoutHeight prop defines the height of the tooltip flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum. If this prop is not set, height will be determined based on an approximate text size calculated from the text and style props provided to ChartTooltip.
flyoutStylenumber | FunctionThe style prop applies SVG style properties to the rendered flyout container. These props will be passed to the flyoutComponent.
flyoutWidthnumber | FunctionThe flyoutWidth prop defines the width of the tooltip flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum. If this prop is not set, flyoutWidth will be determined based on an approximate text size calculated from the text and style props provided to VictoryTooltip.
groupComponentReact.ReactElement<any>The groupComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to create group elements for use within container elements. This prop defaults to a <g> tag.}
horizontalbooleanThe horizontal prop determines whether to plot the flyouts to the left / right of the (x, y) coordinate rather than top / bottom. This is useful when an orientation prop is not provided, and data will determine the default orientation. i.e. negative values result in a left orientation and positive values will result in a right orientation by default.
indexnumber | stringThe index prop represents the index of the datum in the data array.
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartLabel />The labelComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used to render each tooltip label. The new element created from the passed labelComponent will be supplied with the following properties: x, y, index, datum, verticalAnchor, textAnchor, style, text, and events. Any of these props may be overridden by passing in props to the supplied component, or modified or ignored within the custom component itself. If labelComponent is omitted, a new ChartLabel will be created with the props described above. @example labelComponent={<ChartLabel dy={20}/>}, labelComponent={<MyCustomLabel/>}
labelTextAnchorstring | FunctionDefines how the labelComponent text is horizontally positioned relative to its `x` and `y` coordinates. Valid values are 'start', 'middle', 'end', and 'inherit'.
orientationstring | FunctionThe orientation prop determines which side of the (x, y) coordinate the tooltip should be rendered on. This prop can be given as “top”, “bottom”, “left”, “right”, or as a function of datum that returns one of these values. If this prop is not provided it will be determined from the sign of the datum, and the value of the horizontal prop.
pointerLengthnumber | FunctionThe pointerLength prop determines the length of the triangular pointer extending from the flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum.
pointerOrientationstring | FunctionThis prop determines which side of the tooltip flyout the pointer should originate on. When this prop is not set, it will be determined based on the overall orientation of the flyout in relation to its data point, and any center or centerOffset values. Valid values are 'top', 'bottom', 'left' and 'right.
pointerWidthnumber | FunctionThe pointerWidth prop determines the width of the base of the triangular pointer extending from the flyout. This prop may be given as a positive number or a function of datum.
renderInPortalbooleanWhen renderInPortal is true, rendered tooltips will be wrapped in VictoryPortal and rendered within the Portal element within ChartContainer. Note: This prop should not be set to true when using a custom container element.
styleReact.CSSProperties | React.CSSProperties[]The style prop applies CSS properties to the rendered `<text>` element.
textnumber | string | Function | string[] | number[]The text prop defines the text ChartTooltip will render. The text prop may be given as a string, number, or function of datum. When ChartLabel is used as the labelComponent, strings may include newline characters, which ChartLabel will split in to separate <tspan/> elements.
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop specifies a theme to use for determining styles and layout properties for a component. Any styles or props defined in theme may be overwritten by props specified on the component instance.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
xnumberThe x prop defines the x coordinate to use as a basis for horizontal positioning.
ynumberThe y prop defines the y coordinate to use as a basis for vertical positioning.


ChartVoronoiContainer adds the ability to associate a mouse position with the data point(s) closest to it. When this container is added to a chart, changes in mouse position will add the active prop to data and label components closest to the current mouse position. The closeness of data points to a given position is determined by calculating a voronoi diagram based on the data of every child VictoryVoronoiContainer renders. This container is useful for adding hover interactions, like tooltips, to small data points, or charts with dense or overlapping data. See
activateDatabooleanWhen the activateData prop is set to true, the active prop will be set to true on all data components within a voronoi area. When this prop is set to false, the onActivated and onDeactivated callbacks will still fire, but no mutations to data components will occur via Victory’s event system.
activateLabelsbooleanWhen the activateLabels prop is set to true, the active prop will be set to true on all labels corresponding to points within a voronoi area. When this prop is set to false, the onActivated and onDeactivated callbacks will still fire, but no mutations to label components will occur via Victory’s event system. Labels defined directly on ChartVoronoiContainer via the labels prop will still appear when this prop is set to false.
classNamestringThe className prop specifies a className that will be applied to the outer-most div rendered by the container
constrainToVisibleAreabooleanfalseThe constrainToVisibleArea prop determines whether to coerce tooltips so that they fit within the visible area of the chart. When this prop is set to true, tooltip pointers will still point to the correct data point, but the center of the tooltip will be shifted to fit within the overall width and height of the svg Victory renders.
containerIdnumber | stringThe containerId prop may be used to set a deterministic id for the container. When a containerId is not manually set, a unique id will be generated. It is usually necessary to set deterministic ids for automated testing.
descstringThe desc prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers. The more info about the chart provided in the description, the more usable it will be for people using screen readers. This prop defaults to an empty string. @example "Golden retreivers make up 30%, Labs make up 25%, and other dog breeds are not represented above 5% each."
disablebooleanWhen the disable prop is set to true, ChartVoronoiContainer events will not fire.
eventsReact.DOMAttributes<any>The events prop attaches arbitrary event handlers to the container component. Event handlers passed from other Victory components are called with their corresponding events as well as scale, style, width, height, and data when applicable. Use the invert method to convert event coordinate information to data. `scale.x.invert(evt.offsetX)`. @example {onClick: (evt) => alert(`x: ${evt.clientX}, y: ${evt.clientY}`)}
heightnumberThe height props specifies the height the svg viewBox of the container. This value should be given as a number of pixels. If no height prop is given, the height prop from the child component passed will be used.
labelComponentReact.ReactElement<any><ChartTooltip />The labelComponent prop specified the component that will be rendered when labels are defined on ChartVoronoiContainer. If the labels prop is omitted, no label component will be rendered.
labels(point: any, index: number, points: any[]) => stringWhen a labels prop is provided to ChartVoronoiContainer it will render a label component rather than activating labels on the child components it renders. This is useful for creating multi- point tooltips. This prop should be given as a function which will be called once for each active point. The labels function will be called with the arguments point, index, and points, where point refers to a single active point, index refers to the position of that point in the array of active points, and points is an array of all active points.
mouseFollowTooltipsbooleanWhen the mouseFollowTooltip prop is set on ChartVoronoiContainer, The position of the center of the tooltip follows the position of the mouse.
namestringThe name prop is used to reference a component instance when defining shared events.
onActivatedFunctionThe onActivated prop accepts a function to be called whenever new data points are activated. The function is called with the parameters points (an array of active data objects) and props (the props used by ChartVoronoiContainer).
onDeactivatedFunctionThe onDeactivated prop accepts a function to be called whenever points are deactivated. The function is called with the parameters points (an array of the newly-deactivated data objects) and props (the props used by ChartVoronoiContainer).
origin{ x: number, y: number }Victory components will pass an origin prop is to define the center point in svg coordinates for polar charts. Note: It will not typically be necessary to set an origin prop manually
portalComponentReact.ReactElementThe portalComponent prop takes a component instance which will be used as a container for children that should render inside a top-level container so that they will always appear above other elements. ChartTooltip renders inside a portal so that tooltips always render above data. VictoryPortal is used to define elements that should render in the portal container. This prop defaults to Portal, and should only be overridden when changing rendered elements from SVG to another type of element e.g., react-native-svg elements.
portalZIndexnumberThe portalZIndex prop determines the z-index of the div enclosing the portal component. If a portalZIndex prop is not set, the z-index of the enclosing div will be set to 99.
radiusnumberWhen the radius prop is set, the voronoi areas associated with each data point will be no larger than the given radius. This prop should be given as a number.
responsivebooleanThe responsive prop specifies whether the rendered container should be a responsive container with a viewBox attribute, or a static container with absolute width and height. @default true
styleReact.CSSPropertiesThe style prop specifies styles for your ChartContainer. Any valid inline style properties will be applied. Height and width should be specified via the height and width props, as they are used to calculate the alignment of components within the container. Styles from the child component will also be passed, if any exist. @example {border: 1px solid red}
tabIndexnumberThe tabIndex prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility.
themeobjectgetTheme(themeColor)The theme prop specifies a theme to use for determining styles and layout properties for a component. Any styles or props defined in theme may be overwritten by props specified on the component instance.
themeColorstringSpecifies the theme color. Valid values are 'blue', 'green', 'multi', etc. Note: Not compatible with theme prop @example themeColor={}
voronoiBlackliststring[]The voronoiBlacklist prop is used to specify a list of components to ignore when calculating a shared voronoi diagram. Components with a name prop matching an element in the voronoiBlacklist array will be ignored by ChartVoronoiContainer. Ignored components will never be flagged as active, and will not contribute date to shared tooltips or labels.
voronoiDimension'x' | 'y'When the voronoiDimension prop is set, voronoi selection will only take the given dimension into account. For example, when dimension is set to “x”, all data points matching a particular x mouse position will be activated regardless of y value. When this prop is not given, voronoi selection is determined by both x any y values.
voronoiPaddingnumberWhen the voronoiPadding prop is given, the area of the chart that will trigger voronoi events is reduced by the given padding on every side. By default, no padding is applied, and the entire range of a given chart may trigger voronoi events. This prop should be given as a number.
widthnumberThe width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the container This value should be given as a number of pixels. If no width prop is given, the width prop from the child component passed will be used.

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