
Expandable section

An expandable section component is used to support progressive disclosure in a form or page by hiding additional content when you don't want it to be shown by default. An expandable section can contain any type of content such as plain text, form inputs, and charts.


Expandable text with character truncation

You can truncate long sections of text and add a "Show more" link that allows users to expand and view the full text content.

To specify the number of characters shown prior to truncation, use a <Truncate> component and pass a maxWidth to the style attribute.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec dignissim turpis, et tristique purus. Phasellus efficitur ante quis dolor viverra imperdiet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque laoreet, sem ac elementum semper, lectus mauris vestibulum nulla, eget volutpat massa neque vel turpis. Donec finibus enim eu leo accumsan consectetur. Praesent massa diam, tincidunt eu dui ac, ullamcorper elementum est. Phasellus metus felis, venenatis vitae semper nec, porta a metus. Vestibulum justo nisi, imperdiet id eleifend at, varius nec lorem. Fusce porttitor mollis nibh, ut elementum ante commodo tincidunt. Integer tincidunt at ipsum non aliquet.

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