
Developer contributions

Ways to contribute

As a developer, here are some of the contributions you can make:

Pick up an existing HTML/CSS issue

Pick an open issue in the patternfly repo and make a comment that you would like to contribute

Pick up an existing React issue

Pick an open issue in the patternfly-react repo and make a comment that you would like to contribute

File a bug

  • View the documentation for the component
  • Search open issues in the patternfly and patternfly-react repos to see if a related issue exists already
  • If the bug is present in only the React implementation, create a bug in the patternfly-react repo
  • If the bug can be seen on both the React and HTML/CSS side, it should be created on the patternfly repo
  • Mention which project the bug was noticed in and if there is a deadline that the fix is needed for

Detailed contribution instructions


Development contribution lifecycle flowchart

View source on GitHub